GP 2010 Resources

Anything marked with a λ requires access to either CustomerSource or PartnerSource.  If you have questions about accessing CustomerSource or PartnerSource, check out this post by David Musgrave and Scott Stephenson.

94 Responses to “GP 2010 Resources”

  1. I have a commission amount is incorrect and will not post error when attempting to post a SOP invoice. How can I correct this?


    • Hi Rebecca,

      The fix for this is different depending on the exact situation. Here are the things I have done in the past to fix this and similar issues (in order that I would try them):

      1. Try deleting and re-entering the commissions.
      2. Click Default on the Sales Distributions Entry window to reset them (if you made changes, you will have to re-enter them after this).
      3. Reconcile the transaction – GP | Tools | Utilities | Sales | Reconcile – Remove Sales Documents. Only run this for the one transaction having trouble.
      4. Fix in SQL. If you’re not familiar with this, you will want to get some help from someone that can look at your data and come up with the proper solution.



  2. We have a transaction in the RM20101 table where the ORTRXAMT says 8319.71 but the CURTRXAM says 16639.42. The sales transactions all say 8319.71 we don’t know how/why it says 16639.42. The GL has 8319.71. I tried a reconcile and that didn’t fix it and the aged trial balance seems to be correct. My thought was to update the CURTRXAM to the ORTRXAMT on the backend and then run a reconcile. Would this be the correct action?


    • Hi Michael,

      I have seen this happen when someone crashes out of GP while applying (or unapplying) payments to invoices. I would agree with your plan of updating the CURTRXAM to the value in ORTRXAMT directly in SQL, then running reconcile.



  3. Hi Victoria, I’m using two tables to pull some Project Accounting information. My issue is that I don’t have a time stamp that I can use to look for updates to database rows. The tables in question are PA01201 and PA23201. I saw other posts had MODIFDT and CREATDT fields, but I can’t find anything like this for the PA tables? Any advice? I’d really like to not have to check each row individually for a change in any record value. Thanks!


    • Hi Charlie,

      If you don’t want to check an entire tables for changes every time, you can create an UPDATE trigger and track the changes in a new table. It can be as simple as a time stamp and a project number. Then only update the records that have been updated based on the data in your new table.

      Hope this helps,


  4. Hi Victoria, I’ve got another question for you: is it possible to print batches by number of line items per order? We hand sort orders into number of line items once the batch prints, and during very busy times this is too time consuming. I’m sure there’s a way to do this via GP, but haven’t come across it yet. As always your help is much appreciated.


    • Hi Tom,

      I am thinking this would require more than one pass through the data and the GP out-of-the-box Report Writer can only make a single pass through the data. So I am not sure this is possible without some kind of separate customization. This kind of requirement can be accomplished in Crystal Reports or SSRS pretty easily, but you would then most likely need an add-on product to print your SOP documents. Something like our GP Reports Viewer.



      • Since we have all of our reports authored in Report Writer already, going with another solution might be quite time consuming. Could the orders could be pre sorted in MS-SQL?


        • Tom,

          That’s what I had in mind when I mentioned as a possible ‘separate’ customization. You could do your calculations in SQL, but then you would somehow need to let Report Writer know to use that as the sorting for the report. I do not know how to accomplish that with Report Writer, so you may want to talk to Dynamics GP Support or your GP partner to see how/if this can be accomplished.



  5. Hi Victoria, GP 2010 packing slips question here- orders with bundles print out each item in the bundle whether ‘include kit components’ is selected or not. Is this a known bug or am I missing something? Thanks!


    • Tom,

      Are you using a modified / custom report for the Packing Slip?



      • We use the SOP Blank Packing Slip Form which has a modified layout and includes our company logo etc. The old packing slip also prints out the items in the bundle with the exception of also listing the bundle itself, which the modified form does not do.



        • Tom,

          I just tested this with out-of-the-box GP reports (standard, not template) and it’s working as expected – if I select Include Kit Components, it prints them, otherwise it does not. Have you tried reverting back to the unmodified report to test this?

          My test was with GP 2010 SP 4.



          • Yes, I’ve tested it with both versions. The unmodified version will print all of the components as well as the bundle SKUs, while the modified prints only the component SKUs. I’m using GP 2010 SP3.


            • Sorry Tom, not sure what to tell you. I have not heard of any issues with this not working properly and I am not able to reproduce this myself. I do not have GP 2010 SP 3 anywhere I can easily test this, but I would be surprised if SP 4 made the difference. You could try posting this on the GP Community Forum to see if anyone else has seen this.



              • Thanks for looking into it Victoria. I’ll forward your response to our GP consultant and see what he makes of it. Always a pleasure! 🙂


  6. Thanks anyway. I will come back with a solution when I find one.


  7. Good morning Victoria,

    I recently posted a question in the GPUG MS Dynamics GP forum and Ms. Leslie Vail, CPA, MVP, MCT, MCITP, MCP, MCITS pointed me in your direction. Here is my question…

    Product: MSGP 2010 SP3 version 11.00.2197, Dexterity version 11.00.0359.00 running on SQL Server 2008 R2

    I am a Programmer/Analyst that supports MSGP for my company of 600+ employees. I’m looking for some help in developing an SQL Query that will show the PA User Class Security Setup for each user. On the front-end this is access via Microsoft Dynamics GP >> Setup >> Project >> User [User Project Accounting Settings]. There are (9) sub-forms with User Settings information that needs to be captured as well: Project, Timesheet, Equipment Log, Miscellaneous Log, Employee Expense, Purchase Order, Purchasing Invoice, Inventory and Billing.

    A majority of the information is retained in Tables PA01501 and PA40401, but I need help translating the 0, 1, 2 codes–I understand that it indicates yes/no, checked/unchecked or a drop-down selection, but not what number is associated with which option. There is what I call the “manual method” which is going screen-by-screen and mapping it myself, but I’d rather not recreate the wheel if I don’t have to.

    We have identified a gap in our MSGP Security Matrix around Project Accounting User Classes and I was tasked with filling it in. Information on the Dynamics GP Project Accounting Tables is very limited and I would appreciate whatever assistance or resources anyone can offer. I would rank my SQL Query writing at a solid Intermediate skill-level.


    Joanne Herzog


    • Hi Joanne,

      I don’t work with the PA tables too much, so I don’t have any additional resources I can share for this. If these are not in the SDK (and I suspect they are not), I would see if Microsoft Support can help. It might be worth the cost of a support incident if they can provide you with a listing of the codes and their values.

      Sorry I could not be of more help,


  8. Great, thanks so much! *cheers


  9. Hi Victoria,
    I am trying to pull all the related data about an inventory transfer out of a GP 2010 database using the eConnect_Out_Setup table. I’ve done this for other documents but I’m having trouble locating all the related data for transfers. I think the difference between saving a transfer and posting the transfer might also be confusing me. Here’s the current SQL that I’m using just to find the data:

    /* this has posted batches, not saved ones, seems to show the destination location */
    SELECT * FROM [TWO].[dbo].[IV10200] where RCPTNMBR = ‘00000000000000070 ‘

    /* this has posted batches, not saved ones, seems to show the source location */
    SELECT * FROM [TWO].[dbo].[IV10201] where ORIGINDOCID = ‘00000000000000070 ‘
    /* this has the batch record */
    SELECT * FROM [TWO].[dbo].[IV30200] where DOCNUMBR = ‘00000000000000070 ‘ and IVDOCTYP = 3

    /* looks like this is going to have some basic transfer info */
    SELECT * FROM [TWO].[dbo].[IV30300] where DOCNUMBR = ‘00000000000000070 ‘ and DOCTYPE = 3

    I know I’ll need to join those to make a singular query, but I am not sure how they work together and if I’m missing a major part of a transfer. I hope this all makes sense, thanks for any help.


    • Jon,

      I am not sure I would use the IV10200 and IV10201 tables. If you need the unposted transactions, I would use the IV1000 and IV10001 tables. It’s somewhat difficult to answer your question without know what you are tracking for your inventory items and what information you need to pull. For example, are you using bins? Serial or lot numbers? If so, you need to add additional tables. Do you need the GL accounts and amounts or just the line items? As a simple example, if all you wanted was the line items, quantities and locations, you could do something like this:

      select h.DOCNUMBR, h.DOCDATE, d.ITEMNMBR, 
      d.UOFM, d.TRXQTY, d.TRXLOCTN FromLocation, 
      d.TRNSTLOC ToLocation, DocStatus = 'Posted'
      from IV30200 h
      inner join IV30300 d
      on h.DOCNUMBR = d.DOCNUMBR 
      and h.IVDOCTYP = d.DOCTYPE
      where h.IVDOCTYP = 3
      select h.IVDOCNBR, h.DOCDATE, d.ITEMNMBR, 
      d.UOFM, d.TRXQTY, d.TRXLOCTN FromLocation, 
      d.TRNSTLOC ToLocation, DocStatus = 'Unposted'
      from IV10000 h
      inner join IV10001 d
      on h.IVDOCNBR = d.IVDOCNBR
      and h.IVDOCTYP = d.IVDOCTYP
      where h.IVDOCTYP = 3

      Hope that helps.


      • Thanks, I really am looking for a basic example like the one you posted. I’m in charge of writing an adapter for GP2010 that turns GP data into our own internal document type. I’m working with the Fabrikam default setup to get the process going, and then I will tweak it based on the specific customer that we are implementing with.

        What I am attempting to write is a SQL Listener that will monitor the tables that hold the transfer data. When a new transfer is created I will need to pull all the information needed for our own internal “TransferOut’ document and then an additional SQL Listener that will notify our system when that Transfer is received (our TransferInReceipt document).

        Again, thanks and I really do appreciate the help.


  10. Hi Victoria,

    If we are going to a new server for GP 2010 then after the installation do we need to copy over the GP 10 Code folder over to the new installation or how does it work? if you could please let me know that would be great. I appreciate it.




    • Farman,

      You do not need to install GP 10 on the new server. Download the GP 2010 upgrade manual (from the Upgrade Documentation link on this page) and follow the instructions there.



  11. Hi Victoria,

    I work in the A/P department. My supervisor has instructed us not to apply credit memos when we are entering invoices. There is a particular invoice that I think a credit memo was applied by the “Apply Payables Documents” window. I did not do this. How can I figure out out which user applied a credit memo to this invoice? This is not the first time and I would like to get it squared out.



    • Hi Christina,

      Dynamics GP does not keep track of who creates ‘apply records’ by default. So if you do not have something additional set up to track this, you cannot find this information for what has been done in the past. If you want to have this information available for the future, you could create a SQL trigger (probably easier and cheaper for tracking just a few things) or install a product like Audit Trails (better if you want to track a lot of different information).



  12. Hi Victoria,

    I don’t know if this is the right thread to post. I just want to ask questions regarding GP 2010 Modules. Which of these forms will work for petty cash module?

    Misc Checks (also can we add tax details in report?)
    Bank Transaction
    Transaction entry in Purchasing

    Any solutions for this petty cash module.

    hoping to hear from you soon.

    Thank you so much victoria,



    • Hi Ron,

      I am not aware of anything called ‘Petty Cash module’ in GP. Most companies I work with simply create a checkbook ID called something like PETTY or PETTY CASH and use that. What will work for you will depend on what your specific needs are surrounding this. I would recommend you discuss this with your GP Partner so they can recommend the best approach.



  13. Hi victoria,

    I just want to ask, how can I enable visual basic editor in Dynamics GP 2010?

    Thank you,


  14. Hi victoria,

    I have a question in Extender module. is this a module that can be installed? or purchased? I am using dynamics gp 2010 AM. What alternate solution are used to add a field that can show on a report? (ex. particulars of a journal entry for financials)

    Thank you,



    • Ron,

      Extender is a separate module that needs to be both purchased and installed. Extender is definitely a good way to get additional data into GP. Another option may be using the Notes in GP. It is difficult to recommend a solution without knowing the exact requirements. Note that if you are creating financial statements in FRx or MR, you will not be able to use any data that is not in the ‘core’ GL fields that those applications read.



  15. Hi victoria,

    I’m having an error on batch recovery. it says: Failed to complete posting use the batch records window to complete the posting. do you have any solutions for this? I use Dynamics GP 2010.

    Thanks victoria.


    • Ron,

      Is that the exact text of the message? It doesn’t sound like any message I have seen before in GP, so I just want to make sure. On the Batch Recovery window, what does the Status say for your batch?



  16. HI Victoria,
    I was wondering if you have much experience with eConnect and could help me out? I’m trying to find the fields to populate to fill the Category Sub Desc 1, 2, and 3 fields for Inventory Items. For the life of me I don’t see anywhere to do that in the taUpdateCreateItemRcd document. Thank you in advance for any help you can provide.


  17. Hi victoria,

    how can I create a sample company like fabrikam in GP 2010?

    thank you,



  18. Hi Victoria,

    How can I upgrade MS GP Dynamics 10.0 to 2010? will it affect data from 10.0 to 2010?

    Thanks so much.



    • Rhon,

      Yes, upgrading from GP 10.0 to GP 2010 will require a data upgrade. Follow the link for GP 2010 Update Hot Topic on this page and you will see a lot of documentation and instructions on the upgrade. If you have not performed Dynamics GP upgrades before, you may want to consult with your GP Partner for help. Depending on your GP environment, upgrades can get pretty complicated.



  19. Hi victoria,
    Can I upgrade Business Essentials to Advanced Management? How?

    Thank you so much.


    • Rhon,

      Yes, this is pretty common. You would need to purchase the appropriate licensing upgrade and obtain new registration keys from your Dynamics GP partner. Once you get new keys, you can enter them into your GP system and activate or install new modules as needed. If you end up doing this, be careful about only activating and installing modules that you need.



      • Thank you so much victoria. so much appreciated.
        By the way, will it affect my data from BE to AM?

        Thank you again.

        – Rhon


        • Rhon,

          Changing the registration keys from BE to AM will not impact any of your existing data. However, if you activate new modules and those require data updates, that could cause some issues going forward. Thus my recommendation to be very careful about the modules you activate. This is something you should go through with your GP partner in detail, as they can give you more specific advice about the modules you are using and are looking to activate.



          • Thank you so much!
            last question, can I upgrade Dynamics GP to AX? is it possible?

            – Rhon


            • Rhon,

              I have never worked with AX, however, based on my experience, I would be surprised if there is an actual upgrade path from GP to AX. I would expect it to be more of an export your data from one, clean/change it as needed, import into the other – thus possibly pretty costly/time consuming to accomplish if you have a significant amount of data to migrate.



              • Thanks so much victoria! Rak en Rol!

                – Rhon :D\m/


              • I have downloaded a product release in customersource. I just want to ask, what would be the product edition after I install the GP 2010 or 10.0?
                Is it already Business Essentials? Or I still need to have the license keys for BE to make the product edition to BE?

                Thanks so much victoria. 🙂


                • Rhon,

                  The registration keys determine what modules you have available, it is not determined by the installation media, which is the same for all licensing.



                  • so at the first time installation would be a trial version? which is 30 days?

                    this are the scenario’s:

                    – I downloaded the product release (GP 2010 from customersource.) Note: no license key entered yet. (BE or AM).
                    – I want to know what is the product edition. Is it BE or Unlicensed edition (trial version)?

                    Thank you victoria.



                    • Rhon,

                      Only Microsoft would be able to answer this with 100% certainty. However, my understanding is that until you enter registration keys you have a trial version which technically is neither BE nor AM licensing, but will be closer to AM licensing as far as the functionality you will see available. Remember the goal of the trial is to get you to buy the most licensing, so everything that can be activated in there, will be.



  20. Hi I have a question about eConnect for GP2010 and I dont know which thread I am supposed to use so please forgive me if I put this question in the wrong section. I am in the middle of testing the upgrade of GP 10.0 to GP 2010 and I have a huge question on eConnect in particular. We are currently using eConnect 10.0 to integrate various transactions to Great Plains from our other platforms. Now with the GP2010 upgrade we are told to use eConnect 11. Now I am trying to find any documentation of who different the eConnect 11 schemas are from eConnect 10 schemas but have not been able to find any information. I tried to google “eConnect 2010 Backwards Compatibility in Dynamics GP” but no result has answered my question so far. I am wondering if anyone has similar issue and can share with me their experience. Thank you so much.


  21. I just wanted to prove that I was paying attention in class !


  22. Hi Victoria,

    Thank You for your reply! Does SQL Agent do anything additional that I cannot do in Scheduled Tasks in the O/S?


  23. Hi Victoria,

    Thank You for having such an incredible resource available. I am working with a client who we just upgraded from GP9 to GP2010. I am also reading your book and this project has me inspired to go get my certification! I am just wondering if you can point me in the right direction here, I upgraded from SQL2005 Express Edition to 2008 R2 because he was up against the 4GB limit and 2008R2 Express allows up to 10. This is a very small outfit, 4 users max logged in simultaneously. Can you tell me what the best settings are as far as the auto update statistics, auto close, etc? I have read differening opinions on these settings. Also is there a good automated script you could recommend that would do a weekly table usage/backup/optimization? Thanks so much!


    • Hi Greg,

      The recommended SQL settings specifically for GP are in my book – in Chapter 5 under the “SQL Server and database settings” section. For your other question – you have run into the exact reason why I do not ever recommend SQL Express for GP – even if you had a script to create SQL jobs for routine maintenance and backups, you cannot run them without SQL Server Agent and that is not part of SQL Express. For small installs I usually recommend SQL Server Workgroup Edition – the server license with 5 user CALs retails for $799. With 4 concurrent users and a 4GB+ database this is a pretty reasonable price for the added functionality, including SQL Server Agent, SSRS, the ability to use more than 1GB of RAM and more than 1 CPU.



  24. Hi Victoria,

    We are currently experiencing an issue when trying to print a final recon. Other documents print fine from GP however when trying to print the Final Recon for one of the cashbooks, the printer status is “Paused: Documents waiting”.
    There is nothing in the print que and we have tried re-installing the printer drivers as well as installing a new printer.
    Do you know how we can release these printouts, this has become a matter of urgency.

    Your help will be highly appreciated


  25. Just want to tap off your experience regarding upgrades. I am starting my planning to upgrade to 2010 R2 from v10. I did the upgrade from v8 to v10 in 2008. I know 2012 may be out end of this year or next, but given a 6 month first SP patch, I don’t want to wait that long for the next upgrade for the site. Anyway, I currently run with no prob on a dual 2.0 Ghz Xeon quad-core and 4 GB ram, but it is now out of warranty. Current OS is 2003 Std with 2005 SQL Std. I will be going to another dual-quad but thinking at least 8 GB ram and it will be on 2008 R2 Std Server and SQL. I am also doing 3 mirror drive pairs @ 300GB each 15K rpm. Should be more than enough room. Those will be on a Dell PERC H700 RAID card with 512MB cache. For the small 22 licenses, I would expect that to be more than enough capacity but wanted to see what you think. Also know issues with going 64bit for this for OS or SQL. Our workstations are all 32bit Win7, 4GB RAM (3.2~ usable).


    • Allen,

      We have done a number of upgrades this year to a similar configuration – GP 2010 R2, Windows Server 2008 Standard R2 64-bit, SQL 2008 R2. No known issues that we have seen. Desktops being 32-bit is no problem. The server spec sounds good, we typically buy/sell Dell as well, so I know they work well with GP. 🙂 The only thing I might question is the drive configuration – a RAID 5 or 10 is usually recommended for SQL, unless I misunderstood what you meant by ‘mirror drive pairs’. For 22 users you should be fine with 8GB RAM, and with 64-bit and any of the Dell servers you will be able to add more RAM easily if you need to in the future. If you are looking to do this soon, plan to wait a while for the server (maybe 4 weeks instead of the usual 1), the 300GB 15k drives from Dell seem to be one of the models impacted by a hard drive shortage they expect to continue until about April.



      • So I have been thinking about your comments on RAID configuration. It comes down to what is most important I guess between performance gains from separation of tasks to performance gains from RAID5 over RAID1. With the Dell server, I have but 6 drive slots (3″ 15K rpm) available in the current configuration. I would have to do a different model to go above that with 2.5″ 10K rpm SAS drives. Drive performance goes down slightly with the 2.5s compared to the 3″. Now, all of this is on the same RAID card, but the drives themselves will be tasked differently. Plan is 2 drives mirrored for OS to separate it. Then I will have 2 drives mirrored for the transaction logs, and 2 drives mirrored for the database. This way logs and data are not on the same and the type of activity is different and should theoretically not have the drive arm bouncing between the different activity types. So, this separates for better recovery options and should aid performance by separation of the duties of the drive set. Now, I do acknowledge that RAID5 has faster read capability than RAID1 but generally has been stated for slower write performance. My current config uses this 3 mirrors methodology and has been ok. I do wonder at times though if it would be faster otherwise, but as stated, to have 3 drive arrays I would have to go to the 2.5’s and do 2 mirrors and either a second mirror for logs and 4 disk R5 for database (given more drives in R5 = faster read) or do 2 R5 arrays with 3 drives each. The 2.5″ drive option allows for 8 drives. But that also significantly increases my cost as the equivalent drives in capacity/performance are more than double that of the 3″ drives. I am unsure if my performance gained will be noticed for the money spent. Anyway, short of doing both and bench marking, I am somewhat guessing anyway. You know?


        • Allen,

          Let me just start out by saying that this particular question is not something I am an expert in, I am much more proficient in the GP application and data, not so much the hardware aspect of it. I would consider posting a question on some of the GP forums about it or maybe even a SQL forum.

          That said, realistically I don’t know if anyone can give you a definite answer on this without knowing more about your SQL usage because it should really depend on the type of activity you have. For example, if there is a lot more inquiry or report generation, then read is much more important. On the other hand, if you import a lot of data and have a high volume of transactions in general, write may be more important.

          For what it’s worth, we have not had any issues with a RAID 1/RAID 5 (2 drives/4 drives) configuration. I can’t think of a single server I personally have worked on that has a 3 sets of mirrored drives. Again, just sharing what my experience has been, not saying it’s wrong. I would also think that the faster drives are more important for SQL Server, so I would go with 15k over 10k if possible. Another consideration would be the controller – I believe you can increase the cache to 1GB for not so much more on the H700.



  26. Hi Victoria,

    Is there any news or any idea when a GP 2012 is coming out? thanks!


  27. Hi Victoria,

    I try to find the upgrade path for GP2010R2, unfortunately, many articles or MS just mentioned the upgrade path for GP2010 only. Could I upgrade a client with lastest GP9 service pack (build 388) to GP2010R2?



  28. Hi Victoria
    In smartlist GP 2010, in Purchasing, Vendors, Vendor Transactions, i cannot see payment work transactions, has smartlist 2010 changed from smarlist 10?
    Or there is a missing configuration so I can see work transactions in smartlist?

    Thanks a lot


    • FAC,

      I think this is the case out-of-the-box in any version of GP, no unposted Payables payments will show in SmartList. 😦 Just to confirm – in my (US) installation, the SmartList is called Payables Transactions – is that the one you mean?



      • Thanks and sorry for bothering you, Victoria, my mistake.
        I guess I missed my morning cup of cofee to wake my GP neurons up hehe, i forgot only unposted Invoice Payables are shown in Payables Transactions in smartlist.

        Thanks a lot


  29. Hi Victoria,

    Just curious, the GP 2010 whats new document states for IV “Go To navigation added. If you’re using the Available To Promise (ATP) feature in Inventory Control, you can click the Go To button in the Items window to open the Inventory Available to Promise Inquiry window.”. I cannot seem to see this available on the Item Maintenance window. Has you seen this feature available in GP 2010? i have ATP available on my test GP 2010 but i dot not see this new feature. Is there a setting to add this?


    • Jeff,

      The critical part is that the document says “Items window”, not “Item Maintenance window”. The Items window is the window that comes up when you click the looking glass icon next to the Item Number. There, on my install of GP 2010, I see the Go To button and it takes me to the Inventory Available to Promise Inquiry window.

      The nice part about this being on the Items window is that it’s accessible anywhere that you have an Item Number field with a lookup button.



      • Thanks Victoria!

        I spent hours looking and finding a more detailed info in documentations for this one and it was just under my nose 🙂

        thank you for pointing me to the right direction.

        – Jeff


  30. Hi Victoria,

    I was wonder if you had any good resources for MRP in GP 2010. I have been asked to import our sales deparments forcast. After converting it from the stone tablets that sales uses because they think Excel is an energy drink!!!



  31. Hi Vic,
    Am customizing an receivables report (Invoice) but am not getting how to inlude the amount in words.
    Any help from you and members would be highly appreciated.


  32. Hi Victoria,

    I have GP2010 installed on a Test environment so I play around. I notice that within Cash Receipt module, there’s no ‘Additional menu’ for add-ons application. Did I miss anything? Could you kindly advise.

    Best Regards,


    • Hi Nikki,

      The Additional menu only shows up when required. The ‘out-of-the-box’ Cash Receipts Entry window does not have an Additional menu. If you’re comparing it to another version that does, what is on that menu? Is there a 3rd party product or customization that is not installed on your GP 2010?



      • I successfully downloaded the new media and successfully installed at a test server. Regarding the download, what would be the differences if any with the one on-coming in the CD ?As i have ordered one and am waiting.
        I also realized that unlike the previous versions it does not specify whether it’s a server or client platform i.e. the earlier versions would allow you to choose either Server of Client check boxes during installation.
        I would appreciate more information regarding the above.


        • Hi Charles,

          I do not have the GP 2010 CD (most likely it will be a DVD), but I would not expect there to be any difference from the download. Unlike most other Microsoft software, GP licensing is not tied to the media, at least for now, so the only thing I can think of is that there may be an autorun function, which is really not a big value add. I know some companies still like to have have physical media for all software, but I think having to pay additionally for it will start being a deterrent to many.

          Also, one nice feature of the downloads is that MS seems to be posting them up with the SP included pretty quickly – so there is already a GP 2010 with SP 1 download available. I am not sure how quickly the DVDs / CDs will catch up to that.

          As you have noticed, there is no longer a Server/Client option during the install of GP 2010. Since the only difference between these was an additional folder that got installed with tools and since there was so much confusion generated by not being able to create new GP companies from computers where only the Client install was performed for older versions, it looks like Microsoft has taken that choice out of the installation options and now it’s the same install everywhere. I personally think this is a great idea.

          Hope that helps,



  1. Dynamics GP build numbers and service packs | Victoria Yudin - February 6, 2011

    […] GP 2010 ResourcesAnything marked with a λ requires access to either CustomerSource or PartnerSource… […]


  2. Dynamics GP build numbers and service packs - Victoria Yudin - September 11, 2010

    […] Additional links for GP 2010 […]


  3. Dynamics GP build numbers and service packs « Victoria Yudin - September 11, 2010

    […] GP 2010 Resources […]


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