SQL view for current Receivables aging in Dynamics GP

I have created a variation on my view that shows all unapplied Receivables transactions to show customer aging in buckets. This is only looking at functional currency and will return data in summary, meaning one row per customer with a balance. I am hard-coding the aging using the default aging setup installed with GP, which is aging by due date and using the following buckets:

  • Current
  • 31 to 60 Days
  • 61 to 90 Days
  • 91 and Over

If you would like to use different aging buckets, just follow the examples in my code.

You can find more Receivables code here, or links to additional reporting resources on my GP Reports page.

create view view_Current_Receivables_Aging_Summary

-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
-- view_Current_Receivables_Aging_Summary
-- Created Jan 25, 2012 by Victoria Yudin, Flexible Solutions Inc
-- For updates see https://victoriayudin.com/gp-reports/
-- Shows current AR aging with hard-coded aging buckets
-- Tables used:
--     CM - RM00101 - Customer Master
--     CS - RM00103 – Customer Master Summary
--     RM - RM20101 - Open Transactions
-- Updated May 1, 2013 to fix aging for credit docs
-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

CM.CUSTNMBR Customer_ID, CM.CUSTNAME Customer_Name,
CM.PYMTRMID Customer_Terms, CM.CUSTCLAS Customer_Class,
CM.PRCLEVEL Price_Level,

else RM.CURTRXAM * -1
end) Total_Due,

when DATEDIFF(d, RM.DUEDATE, getdate()) < 31 
     and RM.RMDTYPAL < 7 then RM.CURTRXAM
when DATEDIFF(d, RM.DOCDATE, getdate()) < 31 
     and RM.RMDTYPAL > 6 then RM.CURTRXAM *-1
else 0
end) [Current],

when DATEDIFF(d, RM.DUEDATE, getdate()) between 31 and 60 
     and RM.RMDTYPAL < 7 then RM.CURTRXAM
when DATEDIFF(d, RM.DOCDATE, getdate()) between 31 and 60 
     and RM.RMDTYPAL > 6 then RM.CURTRXAM * -1
else 0
end) [31_to_60_Days],

when DATEDIFF(d, RM.DUEDATE, getdate()) between 61 and 90 
     and RM.RMDTYPAL < 7 then RM.CURTRXAM
when DATEDIFF(d, RM.DOCDATE, getdate()) between 61 and 90 
     and RM.RMDTYPAL > 6 then RM.CURTRXAM * -1
else 0
end) [61_to_90_Days],

when DATEDIFF(d, RM.DUEDATE, getdate()) > 90 
     and RM.RMDTYPAL < 7 then RM.CURTRXAM
when DATEDIFF(d, RM.DOCDATE, getdate()) > 90 
     and RM.RMDTYPAL > 6 then RM.CURTRXAM *-1
else 0
end) [91_and_Over],

CS.LASTPYDT Last_Payment_Date,
CS.LPYMTAMT Last_Payment_Amount

from RM20101 RM

inner join RM00101 CM
inner join RM00103 CS

where RM.VOIDSTTS = 0 and RM.CURTRXAM <> 0


-- add permissions for DYNGRP
grant select on view_Current_Receivables_Aging_Summary to DYNGRP

Disclaimer: I tested this on limited data, if you find an issue or have a suggestion for improvement, please let me know and I will post the update here for everyone.

71 Responses to “SQL view for current Receivables aging in Dynamics GP”

  1. Hello Victoria,
    can you please share SQL scrip that can be run with as of date parameter to get same results as GP – HATB for AR


  2. Hi Victoria,

    Your website has been a huge help over the past few months! Question on this view: I am wanting to show unapplied transactions as well. My goal is to be able to pull this into Power BI and use DAX to create a running aging with an “As-Of” date. So i will need the Document date and Applied to Document date for applied and unapplied transactions as well. Do you have any ideas on how i could tweak this view for that?


    • Hi Tyler,

      I am very happy that my blog has helped you! Always love to hear that.

      This data is already including “unapplied transactions”. In fact, it’s only including unapplied transactions – my definition of that is any transaction that does not currently have a balance of $0.

      From what you’re saying it sounds like what you’re really looking for is a “historical aged trial balance”. That can’t be accomplished by using this code, it would have to be infinitely more complicated based on how Dynamics GP stores the data. I can help with that, but it would have to be code that I charge for creating. If you’re interested in discussing in more detail, please let me know and I can email you directly.



  3. This website is awesome – thank you. By any chance is there a way to add GL account numbers to this query? I would like to group this by GL account, then customer. Thanks again.


  4. Hi Victoria,
    Thank you for your contributions to the GP community. We have a weird issue with HATB report in GP. For a couple of customers its showing a balance of 0.01 and -0.01 under 90 and over column. Would you happen to know what proc or tables are responsible for this data?

    Best regards,


    • Hi Alex,

      It could be a combination of the following tables: RM20101, RM20201, RM30101, RM30201. Often when there is a penny showing on the report, it’s because more than 2 decimals were entered/imported for amounts.

      Hope that helps,


  5. Hi Victoria, First, I wanted to thank you for your posts. Really a BIG help. I used your script and was a big hit, it matches the Aging report from GP. That is until we did the option: Consolidate National Accounts. What happened there, could you enlighten me..


  6. Hi Victoria,

    I really appreciate your site. It is a great reference. I made some modifications to your script and wanted to share them. The way your script is currently constructed, it is efficient, but excludes results for customers without activity. The following can be used to query the status of any customer:

    create view [dbo].[view_Receivables_Aging_Summary]

    CM.CUSTNMBR Customer_ID
    , CM.CUSTNAME Customer_Name
    , Rtrim(CM.PYMTRMID) Customer_Terms
    , CM.CUSTCLAS Customer_Class
    , CM.PRCLEVEL Price_Level
    , (case when RM.Total_Due is null then 0 else RM.Total_Due end) [Total_Due]
    , (case when RM.[Current] is null then 0 else RM.[Current] end) [Current]
    , (case when RM.[1_to_30_Days_Late] is null then 0 else RM.[1_to_30_Days_Late] end) [1_to_30_Days_Late]
    , (case when RM.[31_to_60_Days_Late] is null then 0 else RM.[31_to_60_Days_Late] end) [31_to_60_Days_Late]
    , (case when RM.[61_and_Over_Late] is null then 0 else RM.[61_and_Over_Late] end) [61_and_Over_Late]
    , CS.LASTPYDT Last_Payment_Date
    , CS.LPYMTAMT Last_Payment_Amount

    from RM00101 CM
    inner join RM00103 CS
    full outer join
    (select RM.CUSTNMBR

    , sum(case
    when RM.RMDTYPAL < 7 then RM.CURTRXAM
    when RM.RMDTYPAL > 6 then RM.CURTRXAM * -1
    else 0
    end) [Total_Due]

    , sum(case
    when DATEDIFF(d, RM.DUEDATE, getdate()) < 1
    and RM.RMDTYPAL < 7 then RM.CURTRXAM
    when DATEDIFF(d, RM.DOCDATE, getdate()) < 1
    and RM.RMDTYPAL > 6 then RM.CURTRXAM *-1
    else 0
    end) [Current]

    , sum(case
    when DATEDIFF(d, RM.DUEDATE, getdate()) between 1 and 30
    and RM.RMDTYPAL < 7 then RM.CURTRXAM
    when DATEDIFF(d, RM.DOCDATE, getdate()) between 1 and 30
    and RM.RMDTYPAL > 6 then RM.CURTRXAM * -1
    else 0
    end) [1_to_30_Days_Late]

    , sum(case
    when DATEDIFF(d, RM.DUEDATE, getdate()) between 31 and 60
    and RM.RMDTYPAL < 7 then RM.CURTRXAM
    when DATEDIFF(d, RM.DOCDATE, getdate()) between 31 and 60
    and RM.RMDTYPAL > 6 then RM.CURTRXAM * -1
    else 0
    end) [31_to_60_Days_Late]

    , sum(case
    when DATEDIFF(d, RM.DUEDATE, getdate()) > 60
    and RM.RMDTYPAL < 7 then RM.CURTRXAM
    when DATEDIFF(d, RM.DOCDATE, getdate()) > 60
    and RM.RMDTYPAL > 6 then RM.CURTRXAM *-1
    else 0
    end) [61_and_Over_late]

    from RM20101 RM

    where RM.VOIDSTTS = 0 and RM.CURTRXAM <> 0

    group by RM.CUSTNMBR

    ) as RM



  7. HI Victoria,

    I have used this code to create views in 3 different GP databases, then built my smartlist to pull form these views across all 3 database (consolidated AR Aging, if you will). Any thoughts on how I could add the database company ID to the views ?


    • Hi Michelle,

      Since the views can be different in each database, you could just add a column and hardcode each company name into it. Another option would be to create a combined view, like what I show here.



  8. Jonathon Levinson Reply March 6, 2015 at 10:21 am

    I always refer back to your site when in need and find the information so useful. So, I was looking to see if you have any information regarding aging and multi-entity management (tables start with “ME”). I need to only pull transactions from one entity. Looking though all the tables, but haven’t been able to pin point the correct tables.


    • Hi Jonathon,

      I don’t have a complete list of the MEM (multi-entity management) tables, so I am not sure what table you need for this specifically, but I do know that they all start with B39 and not ME. 🙂 You might want to ask Binary Stream Support for a list of the tables and maybe even specifically what table(s) to link to get what you are looking for – they might already have this readily available.



      • Jonathon Levinson Reply March 6, 2015 at 11:11 am

        Well i appreciate your quick response here. When i get it figured out, I will share my findings with you. Thanks again!!


        • Jonathon Levinson Reply March 6, 2015 at 2:16 pm

          So with your help (pointing out “B39” tables), I was able to create the statement. Thought that you and/or your viewers would be interested with the details. In your posted code add the following join to line 67:

          inner join dbo.B3950001 en on en.docnumbr = rm.docnumbr

          –add to the where statement

          and en.bssi_facility_id = [enter your entityid]


          • Jonathon,

            Great – thanks!



            • Jonathon Levinson Reply March 6, 2015 at 3:16 pm

              Ok.. so now trying to run the balance “As of” a specific date and retrieving odd results. Do you have any suggestions?


              • Hi Jonathon,

                For ‘as of’ a specific date you need a historical aged trial balance report. Infinitely more complicated than a current aging report and not something I will be sharing on the blog because of the effort it takes to create it. This is something I can offer as a consulting project for you if you are interested. Please let me know.



                • Jonathon Levinson Reply March 6, 2015 at 4:02 pm

                  Kind of the response I expected. Why should i ever think things are easy? 🙂

                  Thanks again for the quick response. If this is required, I will let you know.


  9. Hi Victoria, I know that this SQL is pulling current AR for the date and time that it is run. However, when I run a historical trial balance for the same date, my aging buckets are different though the total amount is correct. Is there something that I am missing?


    • Hi Herb,

      Your AR aging buckets may be set up differently from what this code is doing. You can see the settings on the Receivables Management Setup window (Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Sales | Receivables).



  10. Hi Victoria, It’s posible display the Total_Due per month? I mean, Jan_total_due, Feb_total_due, ect…, by the way I love your blog.


    • Hi Julio,

      Per month of what? Invoice Date, Due Date, something else? 🙂



      • Thanks for your fast reply, I’m looking for the Total Due amount at the end of a previous month using the Due Date. for example


        this is your code:

        sum(casewhen RM.RMDTYPAL < 7 then RM.CURTRXAMelse RM.CURTRXAM * -1end) Total_Due



        • Ups!!! sorry for the large letters, I don’t know what happen.


          • Julio, no problem, I fixed it.

            Sorry, I am still not 100% with you. Do you mean you want the aging as of a particular date? (So not the current aging, but the historical aging?) Or do you just want to sum in buckets based on the month of the due date?



  11. Victoria,

    Your website has saved me SO much time and effort – thank you so much for putting this information out there for us.
    Is there a way to have this same data format for Detailed Aging? Basically, I am being asked to create the Receivables Historical Aged Trial Balance in Smartlist.

    Thank you,


    • Hi Jeff,

      I am very glad that my blog has helped you! I have a variation on this view that lists all open receivables transactions. You could use this view in a SmartList, however, just to make sure we’re on the same page…this is not a ‘historical’ aging – this is current.

      If you need to recreate the historical aging, you’re looking at a lot more work and you may not be able to do this in a SmartList, because SmartList does not have a way to enter a ‘parameter’ which is what you need to let the user specify the historical aging date. This blog post by Mark Polino lists some available resources for the historical aging that you might find useful.



      • Hello,
        Thanks for this. Will this give me the option to have a subtotal at the end of each customer? Would I not need to do some sort of union in order to get the sub-totals / totals at the end of the details for each customer?


    • Hi Victoria,
      Can we have a view that gets the aging buckets with the unposted SOP invoices.


      • Hi Ray,

        Not sure what you mean – you want this view to also include unposted invoices from SOP? Or something else?



        • HI Victoria,
          Yes this is what I mean, I want to have detail trail balance for receivables including the unposted invoices from SOP.


          • Hi Ray,

            Gotcha. That is certainly something that can be done, and I’ve done a variation on that in the past for a customer statement. However, I would not want to change this view, as most people would not want to see unposted transactions as part of their aging. I will add it to my list of requests for the blog, but no promises. If you need this right away, this is something that we can create for you as a consulting project, let me know.



  12. I used the sql code and it worked great! Thanks so much for sharing it. The one question that I have is how I could create parameters that would allow users to view only those customers who are past due. I was thinking of creating a temp table that would hold the different buckets and use that for the available values that would be used in the parameter. Do you have any thoughts?




    • Jon,

      I am not sure what you mean, do you want to give the user a list of ‘buckets’ to pick from as a parameter? If so, since the buckets are hardcoded in my example, and there are only a few of them, why not just hardcode the values?

      If I misunderstood, can you give me an example? Also, what reporting tool are you going to be using for this?



  13. Hi Victoria,

    I’m working to a report that will give the un-billed and billed amount of a customer. But as of got the information I gather did not match on what GP report return. Hope you can give us information what possible tables and relation to each other.

    Thank you..



    • Hi Jhunn,

      Unbilled transactions can be in a lot of different places. Where are you entering them? (What window in GP?)



      • Hi Victoria,

        All in sales module, most RM table was here. but when i try to check on Customer Payment Summary the amount did not match on my report.

        I don’t know if i missed some table of there’s a problem with the data i got.


        • Hi Jhunn,

          The Sales series has 3 modules: Sales Order Processing (SOP), Receivables Managements (RM) and Invoicing (IVC). The Invoicing module is not used much by anyone, but still important to keep in mind just in case you are using it. Most companies use the SOP module to enter most of their sales transactions, with only some transactions entered in the RM module. SOP transactions only show up in the RM module once they are posted. Until then, they are only seen in the SOP tables. However, the Customer Payment Summary window only looks at the RM tables.

          So…all that to say that if you are using the SOP module, then I would not recommend looking at the Unposted Sales on the Customer Payment Summary window because they will not be showing you the entire picture.



  14. Hello Victoria,

    I found your post with the help of the MS Dynamics 2010 GP web site forums. I was wondering if the SQL view you defined here is the typical method for obtaining AR aging data from GP for reporting purposes.

    I am new to GP. My company has a home built application that uses some of the data from the GP database, and in this case we have a report that was built from query that joins directly to some of the tables that are used in your view definition. Is this the normal method for obtaining AR aging data from GP for reporting purposes? I was told by an IT manager in my company that we should be using either eConnect, or some other GP web service to obtain the aging data from GP, instead of joining directly to its db tables. The direct join is clearly more efficient that retrieving these data through something like eConnect, but I think the assumption was that eConnect is a more secured, and therefore a better approach than a direct query. Can AR aging data be obtained through eConnect or some other method, and if so, what method do you recommend?

    Any help is appreciated.




    • Hi Harold,

      I am not sure there is one answer for this, as a lot of times the best solution will depend on many other factors. I would recommend posting your question on the GP Community Forum to get some opinions from the GP community.



      • Hi Victoria,

        Thank you for the reply, and your suggestion. I do have one more question – is it possible to obtain the aging data stored in tables RM00101, RM20101, and RM30101 – using eConnect? We will likely want to retrieve all of the data in these tables for now, as our original report joined to those tables without a where clause. It may be that out application performs the filtering of results from the report query.

        Thanks again


  15. What would it take to get this to show originating currency?


  16. Dear Victoria

    I am printing the RM Historical Aged Trial Balance Summary. So when I give age as of 31/12/2011, I get a figure and if I give the age of for eg., 31/12/2015, I get a lesser figure. So, as I am a regular visitor of your site, I copied this script and exported excel. This give me another figure. What can be the problem. Mainly my issue is the difference happening in the report when the age as of date is different. I run the aging as on 29/02/2012. But still the figures differes. I am using GP 10 SP 3.

    Thanks in advance.


    • Hi Ktarahman,

      When you run a historical aged trial balance (HATB) as of a particular date the report you get is only as of that date. So on Dec. 31, 2011 the report would show that your customers owed you X at that time. Transactions posted in January of 2012 would make the same report on Jan. 31, 2012 have a different number…it would be X less whatever your customers have paid in January plus whatever new invoices you posted in January.

      The view in this post is not restricting by any date, so it will give you every open receivables transaction in the system, whether it’s in the past or the future. I would suspect that if you run the HATB with an aging date of 12/31/2999 (yes, 2999, that’s not a typo) you will get the same results as this view. If not, there may be some data cleanup needed or you may have transactions with dates greater than 12/31/2999.



  17. Victoria,

    I didn’t reblog your script, but had no problem copying it with the braces and it runs fine. I have made a modication to your script which you may be interested in. Basically I changed a couple of the selections to match the AGPERAMT buckets in GP – where AGPERAMT1 is Current and AGPERAMT2 is 1-30 Days.


    WHEN DATEDIFF(d, RM.DUEDATE, getdate()) > 0 
    WHEN DATEDIFF(d, RM.DUEDATE, getdate()) > 0 
    ELSE 0  
    END) as [Past_Due],
    WHEN DATEDIFF(d, RM.DUEDATE, getdate()) < 1 
    WHEN DATEDIFF(d, RM.DUEDATE, getdate()) < 1 
    ELSE 0  
    END) as [Current_Due],  --AGPERAMT_1
    WHEN DATEDIFF(d, RM.DUEDATE, getdate()) between 1 and 30  
    WHEN DATEDIFF(d, RM.DUEDATE, getdate()) between 1 and 30
    ELSE 0  
    END) as [Days_1_to_30],  --AGPERAMT_2


  18. Victoria, Thanks for the reply and update. I did use the copy functionality to copy the script and the code failed without the brackets for the column name. I am on SQL Server 2008 R2. 🙂
    Regarding the aging buckets, what you say makes perfect sense. :).
    Thanks for the good script.


    • Hi Siva,

      I just looked at the reblog of my post on your blog and I see that all the brackets around the column names are stripped out. 😦 As I mentioned before, WordPress has some special functionality for posting code…perhaps that is causing this not to be picked up properly when it is reblogged? Is it possible to create a link back to my blog for the code instead of reblogging the whole post? Maybe that would avoid a lot of issues. I see this is not isolated, for example, you will have the same problem with this one.

      I just tested copying the code directly from my blog using both Google Chrome and IE 9.0 with SQL 2008 R2 and am not seeing any issue with the brackets.



  19. Victoria, My two cents to this.

    I executed this query and got the following error.
    “Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure view_Current_Receivables_Aging_Summary, Line 35
    Incorrect syntax near ’31’.”.
    It looks like you will need to enclose the alias names within brackets (i.e.) like [91_and_Over] instead of just 91_and_Over, since the column name cannot begin with a number or special character. It has to be an alphabet.

    Also, you have determined the aging bucket by calculating the date difference between the current date and the due date. Instead you can make use of the aging bucket column in RM20101 (AGNGBUKT) which can be joined with the RM40201 table to display the aging bucket for the specific record. This way, we can make use of the standard aging options in GP (either by doc date or due date) and once we run the aging process, we would be able to run the query to get the same result as the GP Current Open TB. 🙂


    • Hi Siva, thanks for your comments.

      For the error – I do have brackets around the column names and am not able to duplicate what you’re seeing. 😦 Are you looking at the code on my blog directly, or somewhere else? Also, how are you copying the code? I have recently started using special functionality available on WordPress for posting code to try to avoid any issues with special characters. So when looking at it on my blog, there are 4 little gadgets at the top right of the code section – if you click the second one, that will copy all the code properly to your clipboard. Can you please let me know if that works for you? I have seen issues in the past with various browsers (cough, typically IE) stripping out some of the formatting, so I just want to make sure this is not a recurring issue for you and others. I also just noticed some extra spacing in the code…not sure where that came from, but I took it out…maybe that will help, as well.

      For your other comment – I actually hard coded the aging buckets on purpose. I have found that often when I get asked for this type of report, the company asking either (a) wants something slightly different from what their aging setup in GP is or (b) wants to not have to run the aging routine in GP to move the data to the correct buckets prior to running the report. So I wanted to provide an easy example on how to set up your own aging buckets – this way, if someone wants to create 10 aging buckets or just 2, they know how to code it. 🙂 Hope that makes sense.




  1. Microsoft Dynamics GP - Excel AR Trial Balance with SQL (with video) - Belinda, the GP CSI - Microsoft Dynamics GP - Microsoft Dynamics Community - November 11, 2013

    […] https://victoriayudin.com/2012/01/25/sql-view-for-current-receivables-aging-in-dynamics-gp/ […]


  2. Doing the “Impossible” | Q Factor’s Blog - February 17, 2012

    […] have found some attempts to build SQL views for Trial Balance reports, most notably by Victoria Yudin, but these are typically for open A/R and not historical. Ideally you would build a SQL view, then […]


  3. SQL view for current Receivables aging in Dynamics GP | Victoria Yudin - DynamicAccounting.net - GP Technical Blogs - Microsoft Dynamics Community - January 26, 2012

    […] Comments 0 Victoria gives us a new SQL view for current Receivables aging in Dynamics GP […]


  4. Interesting Findings & Knowledge Sharing » SQL view for current Receivables aging in Dynamics GP - January 25, 2012

    […] reading here: SQL view for current Receivables aging in Dynamics GP VN:F [1.9.13_1145]Please wait while your rating is cast…Rating: 0.0/10 (0 votes cast)VN:F […]


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