Want Dexterity training? Tell David what and where!

We commonly refer to David Musgrave as the King of Dexterity.  I am sure others do, as well.  In a recent post on the Developing for Dynamics GP blog David asked the GP community at large what training we’d like to see and where. This is our chance to be heard and maybe to finally get some local training!  Not that we don’t love Fargo, but it’s impossible to get a direct flight out there from New Jersey.  So please tell David what training you want.

By the way, there is an amazing wealth of information on the Developing for Dynamics GP blog.  David has been the primary contributor, but looks like the plan is to have others from the Dynamics GP support team add articles in the future. 

I draw the line at writing SQL code and you won’t see me opening up Dexterity… however, following one of David’s posts, even I managed to incorporate the Welcome to Dynamics message into my local GP install so I can hear it all day long as I switch companies.  🙂

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